Helping Seniors to Navigate Life’s Challenges

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Helping Seniors Deal With Isolation and Depression

We understand that as we grow older, our physical body are starting to get fragile and may be prone to other illnesses. That is why we need to make sure that our elderly parents are living healthily and protect them not just from any sickness but als...

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How We Can Help Your Senior Loved Ones

We believe that seeking help is first step to healing. So if you have senior loved ones with health condition, disability, or injury who are in need of in-home care services but you don’t know where to seek help to meet their needs, then we are her...

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Senior Depression: Essential Things You Need to Know

According to the National Institute on Aging (NIH), depression is a mood disorder that affects the way you feel, act, and think. It may be a serious condition, but counseling, medicine, or other forms of treatment are available. Signs and Symptoms of...

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Top Tips to Help Seniors Manage Stress

Stress could affect your life negatively, including experiencing mood swings, lacking concentration or exhibiting poor judgment, overeating, and losing or gaining weight. Seniors may be affected by stress in different ways, causing a decline in their...

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Soothing Anxiety

Anxiety is not merely the feeling of nervousness. It is more than that. It is profound worry, fear, and restlessness that affect a person’s day-to-day activities, and while the symptoms of anxiety may vary for every person, the common symptoms are ...

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Benefits of Counseling

Counseling is the process in which a client and a counselor set some time to talk and discuss problems or any difficult feelings encountered in order to pinpoint problem areas and identify solutions. And with more and more seniors dealing with stress...

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