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Combating Depression Among Seniors Using Psychotherapy


Of the several psychosocial issues, it is depression that affects seniors the most. There are many possible causes of depression. But there’s some evidence that psychotherapy has some positive results in treating depression among the elderly. Read on to know more.

  • Depression after a loved one or a friend’s death
    If we are depressed because of a loss, psychotherapists will try to determine whether we have grieved the right way. If we haven’t, the therapist will assist us throughout the process of healing from the pain or grief that we feel. We don’t have to worry about the cost of these services because Medicare covers the cost of counseling, such as counseling for depression, similar to what is included in the Medicare benefit in Florida.
  • Depression caused by physical pain
    When we are suffering from a chronic disease, we may have a hard time coping with the physical pain that comes with it. Our therapist will look for ways for us to have more socialization and activities to help us overcome depression. We should get counseling when we experience this type of depression without worrying about the expenses because it is under Medicare coverage like the Medicare benefit in Texas.
  • Depression caused by sleep problems
    There are a number of factors that cause sleep trouble to us seniors that our therapist will try to determine for each of us. It’s okay to not have enough sleep for a few nights, but if it becomes consistent for a certain time, it will contribute much to depression. Our therapist will aid us in forming good sleeping habits or “sleep hygiene.”

At A & B Counseling Services LLC, you can avail excellent services from our well-experienced and highly qualified psychotherapists. Feel free to contact us about our counseling for seniors.

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